What is the CSOC?
The CSOC (Canadian Sidecar Owners Club) is a family oriented club. There are many reasons for installing a sidecar. Some members like bringing the whole family along by motorcycle. Others like to bring the family pets, or increase the carrying capacity of their motorcycle. Others still enjoy the stability the sidecar offers. They may not be able to support the weight of a motorcycle while stopped, or use their bike for year round transportation, even in the winter.The CSOC is a club where old and new friends can get together and go for rides. It is a social get together and a great time. |
Where and Who?
In past years we have had rallies in such places as Niagara Falls, Ottawa, Wingham, Kentucky U.S.A.,and Elliot Lake.
There are many ages ranging from children to retired elderly. Types of motorcycles from Gold wings to Harleys, and sidecars from Velorex to Watsonian.
While most of our members live in Ontario we have members that live as far away as Kentucky, Washington & British Coloumbia.
What Do We Do There?
When we are at the rally we participate in games organized by the cordinator. Some of these games are obstacle courses where the driver is blind folded and the passenger has to try and lead them through using their voice, and 'biting the weinie" where the passenger bites as much of the uncooked hotdog off the string as possible. We also participate in icecream runs, guided tours, campfires and much more.
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